Pic Of The Day

Pic Of The Day

Pic Of The Day A squad of U.S. Navy SEALs participate in ground mobility training with mine resistant ambush protected armored vehicles. The mine resistant ambush protected armored vehicle is used for combat patrols and high-risk missions. This hands-on training gives...
Pic Of The Day

Pic Of The Day

Pic Of The Day An AC-130U Gunship from the 4th Special Operations Squadron flies over the range firing its 25 mm gun during a local training mission.The AC-130U “Spooky” gunship is the primary weapon of Air Force Special Operations Command. Its primary...
Pic Of The Day

Pic of the Day

Pic of the Day U.S. Marines establish security during a Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command night raid during Weapons and Tactics Instructor (WTI) course 2-16 at Tactical Air Combat Training System Airfield, near Yuma, Ariz.
Pic Of The Day

Pic of the Day

Pic of the Day Aboard a U.S. Army CH-47 helicopter from the 12th Combat Aviation Brigade, U.S. Army Rangers assigned to the 75th Ranger Regiment and Italian Army Rangers with the 4th Alpini Regiment make a nighttime movement at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center...
Pic Of The Day

Pic of the Day

Pic of the Day   Special warfare combatant-craft crewmen (SWCC) transit the Salt River in northern Kentucky during pre-deployment, live-fire training. The SWCCs, attached to Special Boat Team (SBT) 22 based in Stennis, Miss., employ the Special Operations Craft...
Pic Of The Day

Pic of the Day

Pic of the Day   Navy SEALs conduct a fast-rope insertion onto a target vessel from Australian Army S-70A-9 Black Hawks while Australian special operations forces (SOF) approach via rigid-hulled inflatable boats (RHIBs) during Talisman Sabre, July 16, 2019....